Most of us are capable of being highly intuitive, but we may dismiss things we know without knowing how we know, especially if we’ve grown up highly rational or been influenced by scientific education or fundamentalist religions. As a physician with a physician father and three Methodist ministers in the family, I was one of those stealth intuitives. Here are a few clues that you might be too: If you resonate with that soul sense, you might be instantly drawn to someone without understanding why. If not, you’re likely to pull away, even when it makes no sense to your mind. Later, you may get evidence that you were spot-on in your read. Others will be shocked, and you’ll be shaking your head, trying not to say, “I told you so.” The good news about intuition is that it doesn’t abandon you. Like a lover who never gives up on you, intuition will do whatever it takes to capture your attention and guide you toward your path of power, love, health, and the purest sense of purpose. And once you commit to strengthening your intuition, it will only get stronger.

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