Below, I’ve put together five of my favorite shoulder-opening moves that I regularly recommend to clients (including mbg co-founder and co-CEO Colleen Wachob). For all of these moves, remember to rotate the inside of your elbows to face forward to drop your shoulders away from your ears and soften the neck. Also, lift up from your low abdominals and pelvic floor to ease up pressure on the shoulders. I recommend doing these in-between ab work and lower body work for maximum stretch. You can easily do all of these beneficial stretches and exercises at home—all you need is a yoga mat and a Pilates ball. Now, it’s time to show those shoulders a bit of love. Bartha realized exercising needed to be more than just how it made you look on the outside. It needed to be meditative and releasing, while also lengthening and toning the body. She created and developed B The Method to help people look a little deeper inside themselves, mentally and physically, and tap into a deeper layer of the body to strengthen and lengthen, starting from the inside.

5 Shoulder Stretches   Exercises To Relieve Tightness   Pain - 325 Shoulder Stretches   Exercises To Relieve Tightness   Pain - 885 Shoulder Stretches   Exercises To Relieve Tightness   Pain - 735 Shoulder Stretches   Exercises To Relieve Tightness   Pain - 33