One part of the body that is especially prone to discomfort and pain? The knees! Luckily, I’ve found that energy healing work around the knee chakra can be really beneficial for achy joints—but of course you should visit your doctor if you’re experiencing any chronic knee pain. Here are five ways to unblock the lesser-known knee chakra. The knee chakra is a minor chakra that corresponds to the root chakra—one of the body’s seven main chakras that’s responsible for helping us feel grounded and secure. If you find yourself frequently feeling “uprooted” and like you need to take charge of everything, then ask yourself why—and try stepping back, surrendering, and noticing what caused this reaction. You can also try out some root chakra healing exercises, such as standing in mountain pose or journaling on your fears. Here’s a simple one to try: Visualize and then allow yourself to feel water washing over you, cleansing you of all your fears and internal struggles. Then picture this soothing stream of water flowing through your knees, washing away your need to control every minor detail of your life. Feel the suppleness and release that radiates from this inner softening down into your feet to help support your sense of safety in the physical world. The color of the knee chakra is a deep red, brown tone. Imagine that color radiating from your body as you close this practice.

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