While there are no studies or evidence show that it’s possible to influence the body’s ph for improved health outcomes, in some traditional practices, acidity and alkalinity is used as a measure of well-being. The total pH scale ranges from 1 (most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline), with 7 considered to be neutral. According to Ayurveda, the ideal pH for the human body is 7.30 to 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. Any number below this range means the body is acidic. However, there are natural, traditional remedies that are thought to keep pH levels in balance. (Again, there is no substantial research to back these claims.) The ancient science of Ayurveda offers ways to keep our Pitta in balance, in turn keeping our minds and bodies alkaline. Here are six you can do for yourself. The ritual: Take one tablespoon of cold-pressed, unrefined coconut oil. Swish the oil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, then spit. In addition to helping your body reach optimal pH, according to Ayurvedic beliefs, added side effects of oil pulling include whiter teeth, healthier gums, and clearer skin and eyes. You may also likely see an increase in energy and clarity. The ritual: Add cardamom powder to your coffee grounds before brewing. For every 12 ounce cup you plan to brew, add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder. Since cardamom contains chemicals that can neutralize acid, it’s a natural tranquilizer for your coffee. You can further negate coffee’s acidity by drinking 12 ounces of warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This can dilute the effects the coffee will have on your stomach while also decreasing your desire for that second cup. Though there’s very little scientific evidence that following an alkaline diet will directly affect your health, foods that are high on the alkaline scale just so happen to have been shown to help with everything from regulating weight to boosting immunity to helping combat inflammation to increasing lifespan, whereas when our bodies become too acidic, ancient beliefs note that we’re more likely to carry extra weight, have skin issues, and be at risk for numerous inflammation-induced illnesses. It’s truly a miraculous herb with dozens of health benefits, so try to incorporate turmeric into your daily life in any way you can. My favorite ways to get turmeric is to add some to coconut-oil-sautéed vegetables and serve them over quinoa. I also like to add a teaspoon of the spice to warm grass-fed milk and raw honey before bed. The ritual: Along with meditation, Pranayama (yogic breathing techniques) and Nadi Shodhana (alternate-nostril breathing) are thought to have profound alkalizing effects on the mind and in turn, the body. All of these techniques are designed to help to balance body chemistry as well as stress and anxiety. The ritual: Massage organic coconut oil onto your entire body using long strokes on your limbs and circular motions on your joints every morning to calm your nervous system for the day. Twice a week, be sure to massage your scalp with coconut oil to cool the mind, pacify Pitta, and regulate stress-induced hair loss. Sundara Holistic skin care products are formulated to balance Ayurvedic doshas, or metabolic mind-body types, as well as seasonal changes in our bodies. The products are 100 percent natural, non-toxic and food-grade, using botanical oils, plant extracts, and the best, most transformative and healing ingredients found in nature.

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