There was a phase when I relied heavily on reruns of The Office to drown out my noisy brain. But eventually I reached a stage when listening to the drama of Jim and Pam’s relationship no longer cut it. Inevitably, there are still nights when despite how tired I am, I’m kept awake thinking about that email I forgot to send. I started to look for quick fixes for those times when I find myself wide awake at midnight, wishing for nothing more than to seamlessly drift off. I tested seven natural tricks and methods designed to help me both fall asleep and get more restful sleep. But first, I laid some basic ground rules to make sure my sleep experiment wasn’t altered by any big issues before testing out other natural methods. The verdict: This felt really earth mothery, in the best kind of way. The smell was unexpectedly soothing. It might be a placebo effect, but it really helps me feel calmer and ready for sleep. I actually integrated it into my bedtime routine, so now it’s a signal to my brain that it’s time to chill. But it’s more of a de-stresser than a sleep aid. The verdict: I felt a little silly, but it was good that I was focusing on my breathing and counting, which slowed my brain down. I lost track of my counting a few times and eventually drifted off. I guess that means it worked? The verdict: I found getting into the savasana mindset helpful in relaxing my body, but I would rather keep the yoga moves on the mat. This might be good for those who get in bed and fidget but I found it cumbersome to get into some of the recommended poses. The verdict: It didn’t matter what meditations I did, they all calmed me and cleared my mind enough so I could easily get to sleep. The verdict: This was a winner. I’ve taken larger doses of melatonin before with mixed results. Every time I tried the small dose I got restful and effortless sleep without that knocked-out sleeping-pill feeling. I wouldn’t do this every night though, I think it’s more of a way to get back on track if you have jet leg or a few bad nights in a row. The verdict: I felt like I was doing it wrong but was surprisingly relaxed (similar to savasana) and drifted off shortly after trying this out. This one probably won’t become part of my routine, but it’s worth a shot — especially if you’re feeling tense. Vanderveldt is a former food editor at mindbodygreen and has previously worked for Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Australian Home Beautiful.

7 Natural Ways To Fall Asleep Tested - 137 Natural Ways To Fall Asleep Tested - 417 Natural Ways To Fall Asleep Tested - 41