We shed past patterning, old karmic cycles, fears, and traumas. We begin to see the value of intentional growth through anything that might arise in our life. The more we begin to trust the present moment (and it can take some time), the more we can be available for service on the planet, and for the treasures of a soul-filled life. Not bad for a deck of 78 cards! State your intention to receive wisdom and clarity on whatever is best for you in this moment, what you most need to know right now. Shuffle your cards in whatever manner you choose, then either spread them out and intuitively choose six (you can use your dominant or nondominant hand for this, whatever feels right to you), or cut your deck into six piles. Then pull a card for each of the following questions: Once you are finished, bow to yourself, thank your counsel, and see how the energies play out in your days and weeks!

A 6 Card Tarot Spread For Deep Healing   Transformation - 25A 6 Card Tarot Spread For Deep Healing   Transformation - 67A 6 Card Tarot Spread For Deep Healing   Transformation - 81A 6 Card Tarot Spread For Deep Healing   Transformation - 69A 6 Card Tarot Spread For Deep Healing   Transformation - 51