As tarot reader and author of The Big Book of Tarot Readings Sam Magdaleno explains, pulling the Ace of Cups, then, can mean that you’re in for new beginnings in any of those areas. “In the Rider-Waite-Smith illustration, the Ace of Cups is overflowing,” she adds, “so you can think of it as an overflowing of love, creativity, and inspiration headed your way.” And since the Ace of Cups suggests a new beginning regarding feelings, emotions, and personal connections, tarot reader Maisy Bristol adds, “It could mean that you meet someone special, you make a new friend, or you revamp a long-term relationship so it feels new again.” “When this card is reversed, the imagery shows the water being poured from the cup, reminding you to take care of yourself and practice some self-love and self-care,” Magdaleno adds.  Bristol and Magdaleno both note it can also specifically relate to opportunities for more creativity and abundance in your career, from passion projects to raises. Magdaleno adds it can also mean you’re feeling uninspired in your job, “or feeling as if you’re constantly giving but not receiving recognition in return.” Financially, you may be disappointed in your current position.  “Keep an eye on your own battery as you move forward to make sure you don’t get too drained. Loss may be in the cards ahead,” Magdaleno adds.

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