Your hips are also connected to other powerful muscles, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Unfortunately, as part of everyday living, these muscles can become imbalanced (for example, the glutes become weak compared to the quads), and this can pull your hips out of alignment, putting stress on the surrounding musculature. Incidentally, this explains why yoga can be uncomfortable for people new to the practice. Most of the time, we’re transitioning through unfamiliar movements and holding awkward postures for several breaths at a time. The happy result, if we stick with it, is that we broaden our movement possibilities and restore capabilities that are our birthright. Bring your hands back to the mat and step back to downward dog. Repeat downward dog hip rotations, high lunge, and silver surfer on the left side. Step back to downward dog. And drop down onto all fours. Cross your right ankle on top of your left knee and flex your right foot. Thread your right hand through the triangle between your legs and hold the back of your left thigh with both hands. Gently pull your left leg in toward you—breathing deep into your right outer hip. Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths, and then switch sides. Hug your knees into your chest. Bring your knees back to center and hug them into your chest. Now you can move back into your day.

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