The next time I saw a therapist was when I was 13—another psychiatrist—because my mother still believed there was something wrong with me. Dr. Cassidy and I spent many hours playing pick-up sticks. What a waste of time and money. Not once, in any therapy, book, or workshop, did anyone tell me that I was responsible for my own feelings. Not once did anyone show me how to take responsibility for my feelings or how to stop abandoning myself and how to start loving myself. Looking back, I’m astounded at this truth. My life completely changed 32 years ago when the inspiration for Inner Bonding came into my mind and the mind of Dr. Erika Chopich, my co-creator. Our clients tell us the same things every day, things like, “I’ve been in self-development for nearly 20 years, but I have to say, this is the most effective method I’ve ever used.” Or, “I worked on myself for 30 years. I spent huge amounts of money on counseling and therapy. But I’ve only really begun to heal through Inner Bonding. Typical therapy focuses on the wounded self rather than on self-love. I believe for me that’s why Inner Bonding is helping me heal more deeply.” I’ve come to realize that none of my therapists ever told me how to love myself or how to take responsibility for my feelings because they didn’t know how. They, like me, didn’t even know that they were responsible for their feelings and for loving themselves. In my first 17 years of working with clients, I didn’t know any of this either. After all my therapy and training in school to be a psychologist, I had no idea that it was my job to learn to love myself and take responsibility for my own feelings. And I didn’t know that this was the secret to healing. Amazingly, even in graduate school to get my master’s and doctorate in psychology, they never taught us anything about self-responsibility for feelings and self-love. Just as doctors in medical school are not taught about what creates physical health, therapists—at the time I was in school—weren’t taught about what creates emotional health and healing. The secret to emotional health and emotional freedom is within you. It’s self-love and acceptance. It’s taking responsibility for your own feelings. And it’s totally up to you to make it happen. So, empower yourself. You’re the only one who can. Related reads:

How To Self Heal When Therapy Isn t Working - 13How To Self Heal When Therapy Isn t Working - 30How To Self Heal When Therapy Isn t Working - 43