Historically, feng shui has roots in Taoism and Buddhism. However, elements of it are palpable in every culture across time. For instance, these days we can all feel the difference between a New York City apartment and a quiet hidden cabin in the forest, and we understand that our surroundings greatly affect our energy. The most important objects to place in the command position are the bed, desk, and stove (read more about how to maximize the feng shui in your kitchen here). The main door to the room or space is called the “mouth of chi,” and it’s thought to be the portal through which energy comes into your home and life. When you are cooking at the stove (or sleeping in bed, or sitting at a desk in your office), it’s best if you can see the door but not be directly in line with it. It’s best to be diagonal from the door, while still facing it. Understandably, this is not always possible, so you can make adjustments like placing a mirror such that you can see the door in the reflection while cooking at the stove (or sleeping in bed, or sitting at your desk). Here’s a more in-depth primer on how to position your bed according to feng shui. This does not mean the entry must be completely empty; rather it’s about keeping only what you need there. So if it’s winter, it makes sense to hang your scarf, hat, and coat. The interior and exterior entry should also be well lit (get some bright bulbs on a dimmer!) and the door number should be clean, hung straight, and easily visible. Auspicious opportunities need clear signage to find you! In addition, I often recommend putting down a nice black rectangular welcome mat to attract good energy. And while you’re at it, check out these feng shui tips for your garden, too. To activate its lucky energy, wait until an auspicious day like your birthday or a new moon. Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. (the most yang hours of the day), write a list of nine wishes for yourself using a newly purchased black pen on a sheet of red paper. Read your list out loud, and then with respect, mindfully sign the list. Carefully fold the sheet and place it in a red envelope. Securely position your intentions and aspirations above the front door, on the inside of your home. Now, every time you walk through your front door, you are invoking the energy of these wishes so they may manifest in your life. (Note: You can also use this for your bedroom door if you live with roommates!) Once you get the bed in the commanding position and choose a calming color for the room, it’s also important to have space available on both sides of the bed. This means that you’ve made space for your partner (or future partner). Believe me: Nobody likes to sleep on the wall side! This also allows for a nightstand on each side of the bed. The nightstands do not have to match; however, it’s better if they are similar in size. If possible, there should be at least 2 feet of walking space on the left and right side of the bed, with the headboard against the wall. Yes, you do need a headboard! A solid headboard without bars or holes, fastened securely to the bed, creates stability and harmony. Finally, take some time to make your bed every morning and thank it for supporting you every night. It’s a beautiful way to start your day with a little bit of order and peace. That energy can resonate throughout the whole day until your bed welcomes you back to sleep at night. When doors cannot open, it means that the positive energy coming into your life is being compressed and your full potential is not available to you. It also affects how you experience your life path (literally and metaphorically) and can leave you cramped and pinched rather than expansive and spacious. Finally, doors also represent your voice in the world, so a blocked door can mean that your voice cannot fully be heard or communicated. When we have a full closet, we give the universe the message that our lives are complete and we don’t need anything else. It’s astounding what clearing a little space in your closet can do to invite magic into your life. It can be as simple as taking the time to move things around to stir up some good energy. It’s also good to fasten frames in two places so the art isn’t crooked. Other items to watch out for are shoes, books, or anything associated with very active energy. If you have mementos from past relationships stored under there, it may mean that relationship is holding you back. If you must store something under the bed, make it something soft, like extra linens and pillows. RELATED: 6 Feng Shui Tips To Make You Less Lazy + Boost Your Energy Cho is a sought-after expert in the fields of feng shui and interior architecture. She is the owner of Anjie Cho Architect, co-founder of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School, and founder of Holistic Spaces which hosts a blog, podcast and online store. She is also an assistant teacher of dharma arts and meditation in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage. Cho is a regular blog contributor to MindBodyGreen and has been featured in dozens of publications including: the New York Times, Domino Magazine and BuzzFeed.

How To Use Feng Shui In Every Room At Home  Top Do s   Don ts  - 34How To Use Feng Shui In Every Room At Home  Top Do s   Don ts  - 9How To Use Feng Shui In Every Room At Home  Top Do s   Don ts  - 39