People who share common interests, values, or worldviews might be described as kindred spirits. “In more spiritual words, we could say that they resonate at the same frequency, and there is matching energy between them,” Katherine Bihlmeier, a relationship coach specializing in energy work, tells mbg. A kindred spirit might be a friend you instantly bonded with in college, then stayed close with despite moving to opposite sides of the country afterward. It could be a family member you have a deep friendship with. Or it could be a stranger you meet at an event and instantly feel drawn to, says Manly. A kindred spirit need not even be human—sometimes it’s a pet you have an instant connection with, says clinical psychologist Jaime Zuckerman.  “Soul mates are more intertwined in your life and day-to-day,” Zuckerman adds. “Soul mates tend to have more of a direct and ongoing influence in your life.” Kindred spirit connections, on the other hand, can be fleeting—and that’s sometimes what makes them special.  “Kindred spirits are more like co-conspirators,” says Sauvage. “Sure, they can fall in love, but friendship is just as nice, if not better, for kindred spirits.” Whether or not you end up falling in love with them, kindred spirits tend to find you once you’ve done work on your own personal development. “I think one of the perks of ‘waking up’ is that it’s easier for you to find your people, whether soul mates or kindred spirits,” says Gangas. “They seem to just show up. And when they do, your rock-solid inner knowing allows you to be more open to meeting them at a deeper level right away.” Suzannah provides private coaching and courses in the areas of sex and relationships, as well as doula services.

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