In fact, namaste is not solely a yoga word, according to the Spiritual Science Resource Foundation. The word can be broken into three sections: Nama means “bow.” This gesture is seen as one bows forward with both hands together. Holding both hands together closest to the heart chakra indicates the prayer position. Moving hands to the center facing the teacher (or yogi) acknowledges and thanks the teacher for the practice. “When your mind is fully withdrawn in superconsciousness, it becomes centered in the bliss of the spine,” Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, says. “You are then in your ideational, or causal, body. That is the level of the soul.” You also may have heard people say namaskar in yoga classes and in life. For namaskar, namaskaara translates to “salutation,” kaara translates to “doing.” Put it together and this translates to “I pay my salutations.” There are many theories behind which word is appropriate and when. One most closely understood is namaskar, which is used when greeting multiple people while namaste is most closely associated with greeting an individual for a personal divine greeting. In modern cultures, however, namaste is taken to a new level of meaning. It goes beyond a spiritual chant and a divine greeting. Some yogis in India do not utter the word namaste. However, in Western cultures, it is very well received as a greeting of endearment. “In essence, namaste is recognizing we’re all equal,” says Miami-based yogi Sara Quiriconi. “During the class, we’re working hard on figuring out our own ticks, tendencies, and inner work, but as we end the class and before we go on with our day facing the rest of the world doing the ‘out work,’ the namaste is like a baton pass to take what you’ve learned on the mat with you off the mat to share.” Second, the lack of physical contact is what creates a more positive aura. If contact is made, the chances of passing negativity increase. When a lack of physical contact is made, the chance of negativity minimizes. Last but not least, remember to place your fingertips softly together and simply graze the fingertip pattern, shape, and texture. Namaste is a thank you to the world created and around us. The “divine in me honors the divine in you” references the spiritual transfer of the word. Honor the individual who is graced by your presence.

Namaste  Meaning  Definition   History - 51Namaste  Meaning  Definition   History - 67Namaste  Meaning  Definition   History - 79