I get this question a lot. Our culture isn’t exactly full of opportunities for womxn to gather and connect intimately, so when I tell people that I co-facilitate a monthly gathering for women to correspond with the start of a new moon, their responses are often puzzled. If you feel called to join or host a new moon circle, here’s your introduction to the powerful practice. Of all the cycles, new moons represent beginnings. They are for planting seeds and setting intentions for our dreams, goals, and wishes. They’re an opportunity to take ownership for what we want to manifest and to commit to the actions, thoughts and behaviors necessary to get us there. They’re a time to give and receive—to form community—and that’s where new moon circles come into play. Though the programming varied, our new moon circles usually included time for meditation, journaling, sharing, and setting intentions. The key is the space that’s created. It should be open, caring, non-judgmental, and loving. As each woman shares, the circle quietly holds space for her, allowing her the fullness of her experience. This breeds intimacy and trust as walls are dropped. The more we hold space for one another, the more we realize that the possibilities are endless; that success begets success; that we’re in this together. So much beauty is found within the circle itself, in the sense of community and unconditional support it provides. Born and raised in NYC (and an NYU graduate), she offers a unique blend of East and West coast sensibility, providing her clients with intuitive and pragmatic guidance as they navigate their life’s journey. She graduated from University of Santa Monica’s Masters program in Spiritual Psychology in 2012 and followed with an additional year in Consciousness, Health and Healing in 2014. You can follow along with her on her website.

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