But as a doctor, viewing the tangible evidence of healthy digestion gives me great pleasure. Sometimes it’s associated with diarrhea that is from either an infectious cause (such as salmonella) or a medical one, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s, or ulcerative colitis, and can be thin because the stool hasn’t spent enough time in the colon to bulk itself up. Other times, thin poop occurs because you’re actually constipated and there isn’t enough fiber and water to bulk up the stool. If the loose stool persists for longer than two or three days, that would be a reason to visit your doctor. If your poop is thin or stringy because you’re constipated, that’s pretty easily addressed. Try taking a probiotic supplement to aid digestion.* You can also help keep things moving by increasing your intake of water and upping the fiber in your diet with veggies, seeds, grains, and fruits. (Notice I mentioned fruits last? That’s because they should be considered a side dish, not a main course, due to their high sugar content.) Thin poop that occurs infrequently isn’t something to worry about. Other causes of thin stool can be intestinal scarring that’s a result of abdominal surgery (cesarean section, tubal ligation, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, removal of an ovarian cyst, etc.). You can also have thin stools when the colon is over-distended. In this case, there is stool that is basically blocking the colon, and thin, less compacted bands of stool are able to pass around the blockage. This is another reason to seek medical advice from your physician, since it is an extreme case of constipation and often needs assistance from a medical provider to resolve. In some cases, stringy poop may be caused by a parasite or other infection, in which case you may need medication from your doctor to remedy the problem. While thin poop is likely not colorectal or colon cancer1, if your symptoms are ongoing, you may want to speak to your doctor to check. Additional warning signs for cancer can include blood in the stool, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain that is focused on the left (and typically more constant than infrequent), and unexplained anemia. If it lasts for longer than one to two weeks and is associated with additional symptoms, then it would be a good idea to visit your medical provider. Through her struggles with mold and metal toxicity, Celiac disease, and a variety of other health issues, Trubow has developed a deep sense of compassion for what her patients are facing. When she’s not helping patients in her practice (5 Journeys) you can find Trubow alongside her husband and their four kids, creating a beautiful ecosystem in our yard that provides nourishment to both our body and soul. She also co-authored the book Dirty Girl: Ditch the Toxins, Look Great, and Feel Freaking Amazing!

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