My first day back was April 3, 2017. I hadn’t worked out in a gym for over four years. I did absolutely no cardio, used very light weights, and worked all major muscle groups. Trying to do at least eight to 12 reps—which I was once able to do easily—went straight out the window. A few days later, I tried again. I repeated what I had done six days earlier, but this time I added 15 minutes of cardio. After that I did a full-body workout, using very light weights, for about 45 minutes. Again, it wan’t my best workout. But I was able to reach at least eight to 12 reps with some exercises. So this, too, was progress. Two days later, I had the energy to try again! I did 20 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weights. That afternoon, I was still tired, but I didn’t crash into bed. I’m now aiming for two days per week. It has taken me over four years to find my way back to the gym, and I am exceedingly grateful for the progress I have made. If you, too, are returning to the gym after a long hiatus, here’s what I advise:

What Happened When I Went Back To The Gym After 4 Years - 23What Happened When I Went Back To The Gym After 4 Years - 53What Happened When I Went Back To The Gym After 4 Years - 31What Happened When I Went Back To The Gym After 4 Years - 35